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Me doing WWE Kharma's Finisher: The Implant Buster
Kharma - All Implant Buster |Only On WWE| (Double Underhook Facebuste) |RoiDivasFan|
Kharma Finisher - Implant Buster
WWE 13 - Kharma's Finisher Implant Buster
WWE Diva - Kharma - Implant Buster (Double Underhook Facebuster)
WHO does the implant buster better
WWE 12 - Implant Buster on the steel steps
Kharma's Finishers & Signatures
WWE - Kharma; Implant Buster on Cole
WWE 12 Kharma Implant Buster Victim - The Miz
Kharma Implant Buster To Layla
Kharma Implant Buster To Alicia Fox